Employer Branding Online: How to Digitally Develop and Manage Strong Corporate Brands



Often called the marriage of HR and Marketing, Employer Branding provides HR Departments a distinct advantage in recruiting top talent. How can a company create the type of corporate brand that appeals to prospective employees today? A big part of that answer lies online. This course is aimed at CEOs and HR managers in mid-sized international companies who wish to develop their corporate brands. Suitable for both B-to-B and B-to-C companies, the course will cover the key components of brand identity and how digital technology can help bring your brand to life for current and prospective employees and other key stakeholders.


The aim of this course is to provide participants with an operationally useful understanding of the difference between corporate brand identity and brand image and how digital can help develop and manage both. We will explore the role that the corporate brand plays in HR and the unique challenges faced by companies who hire and/or operate internationally. We will discuss what it takes to create a corporate brand identity that resonates with prospects and employees and how that identity can be managed and communicated most effectively. There will be an emphasis on self-assessment so the material can be applied to the participant’s own work situation.


The course covers two days with four lecture modules, each including cases, exercises, and round-table discussions. Participants will be divided into small groups and the roundtables will focus on specific themes. This provides participants with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specific topics and to exchange experience with others from different industries. Prior to the course, participants will be surveyed about their needs and the course material will be tailored to address the results.

Day 1

Module 1: Key Concepts and Models for the Employer Brand

  • What is a corporate brand?
  • Brand identity vs brand image
  • The activity of “branding”
  • How the value of the brand can be modeled and managed

Module 2: Implementing the Brand Identity

  • Internalizing the brand identity
  • Managing the brand to acquire/retain employees
  • How prospects and employees assess brand value
  • Self assessment

Day 2

Module 3: Developing the Corporate Brand Online

  • Projecting a positive employer brand online
  • Managing third-party reviews of your employer-brand online
  • A strategic HR approach to online publishing (“content marketing”)
  • A strategic HR approach to online networking (“social media”)

Module 4: Employer Brand Online Essentials

  • Managing an integrated online platform for your brand
  • Nurturing prospects online
  • How your best employees can help attract more of the same online
  • Summary and reflection


CEOs, HR Directors and those aspiring towards those positions will benefit by participating in this course. The course will deal with underlying principles of marketing and operational issues implementing them. As such, it is most suitable for senior managers responsible for driving growth and developing the company


Schedule, fee & location

The course will take place at Lund University. The course fee is 17 500 SEK excluding VAT. The course fee includes tuition, documentation, diploma, coffee, lunch and a dinner on Day 1.

The course will be held from 9 am to 4 pm on all days.

Application of interest 

Course dates have not yet been set but you are welcome to send an application of interest!


Jessica Hansson,
Lund University Commissioned Education

+46-46-222 7327 


Lund University Commissioned Education (LUCE) is Lund University's department for commissioned education and competence development for professionals. With the latest science as a base we develop and sell courses, programs and seminars in a close cooperation with organizations, companies and local, nationall and international authorities. Our educations are performed by teachers and scientists at Lund University - a guarantee for subject-related width, scientific depth and modern pedagogy. You're welcome to contact us for more information! Phone 046 - 222 0707 or send a mail to either info@education.lu.se or Lund University Commissioned Education Box 117, 221 00 Lund.