Rehabilitation in Hand Surgery

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REHabilitation in Hand Surgery, 15 ECTS 


An advanced level course focusing on both hand rehabilitation as an inter-professional subject area, and on current research and development within the field.


This course aims to enable specialised studies at an advanced level (A) and can be used towards a master's degree in one of the main fields of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. The course recognises components of health according to the conceptual model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health – ICF (WHO) - and adopts a biopsychosocial perspective. An international faculty focuses on hand rehabilitation as an inter-professional subject area and presents current research and clinical development from an evidence-based perspective.

The course will be held on 4 separate occasions, a total of 20 days, over a year.


Participants must have earned the equivalent of 90 credits in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or Medical Science and have documented clinical experience at a hand surgery unit.


Particpants are assessed on individual assignments and active participation. In order to pass the course, an attendance rate of 75% is required. In the event of absence, individualyl written assignments in addition to the regular mandatory assignments must be completed.

Participants who pass the course will receive a certificate for 15 ECTS. Participants who don't meet the admission requirements and who pass the course will receive a certificate for 130 hours of studies in Rehabilitation in Hand Surgery.


Registration is binding. The exchange of participants prior to course start can, however, be made at any time. A minimum of 30 participants is required in order for the course to start.


Click here to apply.



1-5 September 2025.

24-28 November 2025.

9-13 March 2026.

25-29 May 2026.



Course venue

Skåne University Hospital (SUS), Malmö, Sweden

Number of participants


Course fee

33 800SEK exkl. VAT.


For questions regarding course content:
Sara Larsson, Lund University
All other questions:
Dennis Persson, Lund University
Logga Lund University Commissioned Education. Lund University Commissioned Education (LUCE) is Lund University's department for commissioned education and competence development for professionals. With the latest science as a base we develop and sell courses, programs and seminars in a close cooperation with organizations, companies and local, nationall and international authorities. Our educations are performed by teachers and scientists at Lund University - a guarantee for subject-related width, scientific depth and modern pedagogy. You're welcome to contact us for more information! Phone 046 - 222 0707 or send a mail to either or Lund University Commissioned Education Box 117, 221 00 Lund.