Road Safety Management

Worldwide, road traffic accidents account for more than 1.3 million deaths each year. In the lines of strengthening the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, this course aims to further educate professionals in Road Safety Management.

Pictures of traffic and the main university building.

Road Safety Management


Worldwide, road traffic accidents account for more than 1.3 million deaths each year. In the lines of strengthening the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, this course aims to further educate professionals in Road Safety Management.


In 2011, the United Nations launched the ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety’ with the aim of stabilising and reducing global road deaths by 2020. Major economies of the G20, leading developing countries and public institutions such as the World Bank and the World Health Organization have all endorsed the Decade of Action.

Sweden has a long tradition in road safety work. This has resulted in the state being among the countries with the lowest accident levels. Lund University has during the last 35 years taken an active part in this work by developing and implementing ambitious road safety programmes, such as the “Road Traffic Safety” training programme for professionals in developing countries, in which 240 people from 43 countries have taken part since 2004.

This summer course is a contribution to strengthen our work in line with the goals of the UN Decade of Action.


The aim of the course is to teach participants a scientific approach to and establish a system view of road safety. The course shall give a broad knowledge in ”Road SafetyManagement”. After participating in the course the student shall:

  • Comprehend the road traffic system – Man, Machine and Environment, Accidents and their consequences, Factors influencing the number and severity of accidents, Behavioural issues, Conditions and needs of vulnerable road-users, children, elderly and disabled road users, Evaluation of Road safety measures.
  • Be able to critically analyse Road safety policies, Organisational issues and Programmes for monitoring road safety.
  • Have an elevated awareness on the importance of road safety issues for the welfare of the society.


The course comprises problem based case sessions, lectures and workshops.

A number of cases will be dealth with. These cases – one at a time - are presented to the study group under tutor´s guidance. The case is discussed in the class ending with definition of the key areas for individual learning. The participants do their homework in small groups and present their findings on the next session.

The cases are the following:

  • CASE 1 How to measure road safety.
  • CASE 2 Road User Behaviour
  • CASE 3 Vulnerable road-users
  • CASE 4 Organisational principles, Traffic Safety Strategies
  • CASE 5 Evaluation of road safety measures

The Case sessions will be completed with lectures by specialists in the key areas.


The Department of Technology and Society at Lund University has long been active in research and education in road safety. It has a multidisciplinary composition withexpertise in civil engineering, psychology and sociology. The department offers graduate courses in Traffic Planning, Traffic Engineering and Highway Engineering, as well as specially designed courses for practitioners.


András Várhelyi is the main tutor or the course. Mr. Várhelyi has a PhD in Transport Engineering and has 20 years teaching experience of problem based learning. Main areas of research interest: Traffic Safety Management, Speed Management, Traffic Surveys, Black-spot Analysis, Behavioural Studies, Road Safety Measures, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Field experience from working in developing countries.

Target group

Professionals working within the field of road safety management on the national or municipatory level.



Course duration and location

The course will be conducted during two weeks at Lund University, Sweden. The course comprises lectures, case sessions, workshops, and field observations.

Course date

Upon request

Course fee

24 000SEK (approx. 2760 Euro), VAT excluded.
Fee includes lectures, literature, course binder, coffe breaks, welcome lunch, farewell mingle,  course certificate and a medical insurance.


Application to course is binding. At cancellation 4 weeks before the course start the participant will be billed 11 000 SEK.
At cancellation less than 2 weeks before the course start the participant will be billed the full amount.
Substitution of participants is allowed at any time and without charges, but it is advisable that such should take place at the start of the course.

Contact and application

Jessica Hansson, Lund University Commissioned Education.
+46-46 222 07 07
Loggo Lund University Commissioned Education. Lund University Commissioned Education (LUCE) is Lund University's department for commissioned education and competence development for professionals. With the latest science as a base we develop and sell courses, programs and seminars in a close cooperation with organizations, companies and local, nationall and international authorities. Our educations are performed by teachers and scientists at Lund University - a guarantee for subject-related width, scientific depth and modern pedagogy. You're welcome to contact us for more information! Phone 046 - 222 0707 or send a mail to either or Lund University Commissioned Education Box 117, 221 00 Lund.